bess digital commissioning

De-risk deployment of energy storage systems

De-risk deployment of your energy storage systems with TWAICE’s Digital Commissioning. Get a standardized overview of the BESS status at beginning of life that can be used as a basis for asset management long term. Identify and fix anomalies that regular on-site commissioning cannot identify to lay the basis for safe and reliable operation.

De-risk BESS deployment for the perfect start into storage life

Energy Storage integrators & owners trust TWAICE

“TWAICE’s Digital Commissioning helps us to overcome the challenges resulting from an increasing heterogeneous system-integrator landscape and ever larger BESS systems. A must have for baselining performance at beginning of life and identifying deficiencies before operation starts.” 

Head of Battery Solutions Center at VERBUND
Trusted by
Energy Storage Digital Commissioning

Lay the groundwork for long-term BESS asset management

The number of energy storage systems being deployed worldwide is increasing rapidly, meaning that more and larger energy storage systems will be commissioned in the next years. This leads to increased complexity for stakeholders involved in commissioning and managing energy storage systems.


  • Manufacturers use different software and different metrics to calculate and display the status of energy storage systems, meaning EPCs and asset owners are unable to easily benchmark and compare the status of different assets.
  • Asset owners are reliant on the information provided by the storage manufacturer in warranty agreements and are not able to independently verify this.
  • On-site commissioning cannot provide a deep enough analysis of the battery to guarantee safe and reliable operation long-term. It is also incredibly time-consuming.


TWAICE’s Digital Commissioning provides an in-depth analysis of the battery at the beginning of life of the BESS, helping asset owners and EPCs solve challenges of increasingly complex asset management with larger storage systems. Optimize on-site commissioning by pinpointing issues that can be directly addressed by on-site teams.

  • Get an overview of the BESS performance at beginning of life. This can be used as a basis for managing the asset long term and provides an opportunity to verify that the information supplied by the manufacturer is correct.
  • Benefit from a standardized process and format that can be used for all storage systems, making it possible to benchmark and compare storage systems across an entire portfolio.
  • Pinpoint anomalies such as faulty cells that cannot be identified with on-site commissioning. Fix these right away to ensure high availability and high profits from the beginning of storage life whilst minimizing safety risks.
Let's talk

See TWAICE In Action

Manage your BESS portfolio on a dashboard, ensure safe operations by identifying and fixing safety-relevant trends in advance, and improve system performance and availability to maximize revenue.


What are the minimal and optimal requirements for data & time resolution?
For using the TWAICE Analytics you will need to have data on inverter and string level. Module and cell level data is not required, but can be used as well. Please talk to our experts to find out more.
In which countries are you currently working with BESS projects?
We are active in all markets that energy storage is deployed in globally. One of the benefits of our digital approach is that a physical presence is not needed, allowing us to operate across time zones and geographies. Please contact us for a resume of customer experiences.
Is extra hardware needed to connect the system?
There is no hardware needed to connect the system, which is beneficial for cybersecurity practices. We are connecting the system digitally, for example via a data push from the site to our cloud, a data pull via API, or transfer of time series data to a secure FTP repository.

Get in touch with us

  • Talk to a member of the TWAICE team
  • Get a demo of TWAICE battery analytics
  • Find out how TWAICE delivers value to your business
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